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APA Prize and Grégoire’s stay in Quebec

We took advantage of Grégoire’s visit to New Orleans to organize meetings for him in Québec between May 13 and 20 2022.

Why New Orleans?
To receive the prestigious Chester Pierce Award from the American Psychiatric Association at their annual convention. This association brings together the majority of American psychiatrists and others from abroad. Grégoire had the privilege of presenting the opening lecture. He was accompanied by Dr. Benoît Des Roches, a Quebec psychiatrist who knows the Association St. Camille well. , “Treatment Not Chains“, an American organization that supports the Association St. Camille, provided an information booth to promote networking with people and organizations in the United States.

And his stay in Quebec?
28 events were organized as forums. Once again, these were opportunities to let people know about the situation of people suffering from mental disorder in Africa, but more important still to make known the “Saint-Camille solution” to restore their health and dignity. Partnerships were consolidated and new ones were formed, thus expanding our network.

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